Is tea vegan?

Work with us!

great taste awards 2022 | teapigs winning products

summer of teapigs | where to find us

we're on TV!

10 tea traditions around the world

teapigs take to the skies with Virgin Atlantic

what is matcha green tea?

teapigs free tea day 2021
Last month we celebrated our 15th birthday the best way we know how…with LOADS of free tea! We gave away 8,000 samples in Covent...

the best biscuits for dunking in tea
May is home to what has got to be one of our favourite national days… National Biscuit Day - 29th...

Introducing teapigs x Toast 0.5% lemongrass lager

what is lemongrass?

teapigs now sell chocolate!
Friends, there are a few honest truths in this life, and frankly our love of chocolate is one of them...

what’s the difference between iced tea and cold brew?
After a refreshing cold drink? Meet cold brew! Now available in 6 refreshing flavours - simply pop one...

the green tea guide

Plastic Free Trust Mark | teapigs

gift ideas for father's day
Father’s Day is on the horizon (Sunday 21st June – you’re welcome) so we thought it would be fun to survey our office and...

gifts for tea lovers
How many weeks into lockdown are we now… six, seven? We’re losing track! Lots of you have been showing us...

tips for increasing water intake
It seems that lately we’ve all become very good at remembering to drink wine/gin/beer… but what about our 2 litres...

keep calm and drink tea
What a year 2020 has been so far - we're losing track of days, baking enough banana bread to feed...

teapigs film club | our recommendations
From quizzes to after work drinks on Zoom, we're discovering new ways to keep the teapigs team spirit alive whilst most...

easter with team teapigs

how to work from home – a guide to staying sane!

5 steps to a better night’s sleep

tour de teapigs | our cornwall trip!

8 podcasts to listen to when you're feeling stressed

stockist of the month | never enough thyme

random acts of kindness day | teapigs

teapigs in hong kong | pop up event
Last month, teapigs Emma (Channel Manager - Export) and Andy (Trade Events & Training Manager) hopped on a plane all...

what's it like working at teapigs?
It’s time to welcome some new(ish) teapigs to our team! Yvonne and Jon joined us towards the end of last year, and...

5 simple ways to survive the January blues
Ah January, December’s hangover... it can be a tough month that’s for sure. We're trying our best to keep spirits high...

natural, cruelty-free hair & beauty | q&a with lani

teapigs free tea day 2019 - thank you!

starting up

spiced winter red | tea of the month

biodegradable vs compostable - what's the difference?

meet milly - our newest teapig!

sustainable, organic period care | TOTM q&a

Great Taste Awards 2019

Wanderlust 108

tea of the month | jasmine pearls

meet ruby & kitty!

festival tips: recovering after a festival

grocery | q&a with jasmin and thomas

the felix project | q&a

3,000 miles across the atlantic ocean | q&a with laura try

Great British Spring Clean