Each month, we give our lovely stockists a different theme and ask them to send us photos of how they best show off our teas. We then pick who has tagged @teapigs and used #teapigsstockist with the best picture to find our stockist of the month! Last month's theme was ‘feel good February’ - the perfect time to showcase the teas from our feel-good range. The stand out shot was this one from Never Enough Thyme which features our cleanse tea alongside the tastiest looking pancake! Let's find out more about this cafe...
you’ve got 50 words to describe your business…go!
Never Enough Thyme is a small independent cafe on the outskirts of Leeds. Our focus has always been to provide high quality breakfasts, lunches and afternoon tea. We also host private events such as birthday parties, baby showers and christenings, along with lots of outside catering.
what made you decide to choose teapigs?
It’s the best tea on the market! It’s more up market than your usual teas. The fact that it’s loose leaf tea in a teabag – so no mess, but still lots of flavour. There is so much variety, and we love our tea shelf and all 19 (and counting) flavours it has to offer. We also love the fact it’s so good for the environment, no plastic waste!
if you could only have one teapigs tea for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Everyday brew! We may love the variety but you can’t beat a builder’s brew on a morning... lunch or evening for that matter.
how did never enough thyme begin?
The dream of a newly married couple... a chef and his wife, who’s dream was to run a cafe... but with a difference… whenever possible using local produce and ingredients, teas coffees, not the cheapest but the best on the market!
if we were to come by to your shop, what’s your best seller?
Wow, where do we begin. We have a great selection of homemade cakes daily. We are renowned for our fabulously tasty soups, which you’d certainly struggle to find in a tin!
you might also be interested in:
- Check out Never Enough Thyme's Instagram here, or their Facebook page here
- Head this way to explore our feel-good tea range
- How to make matcha pancakes