Nowadays, teapigs can be found all over the globe - long gone are the days of worrying about where you’ll get your next teapigs fix when you jet off on your holidays. (Although tea is still very much a travel essential in our suitcase – you never can be too prepared!)
We love hearing from our far flung accounts, especially when we’re sat in rainy ‘ol Brentford...Passion Café in Ibiza, is one of our oldest, and most exciting international accounts, and lovely Lana has kindly agreed to share her experience with teapigs, documenting how her business has grown and how her customers have taken to the matcha invasion!
"I don’t think I have ever fallen in love with a product quicker than I have with teapigs teas. It was many years ago when our love relationship first blossomed - attraction was instant, due to the packaging being so close to my café concept, it was the perfect looking tea to grace my café shop shelves and to be served to my customers in gorgeous brown recyclable and super cool branded envelopes. And the teas themselves are SO good! If I have to drink one tea for the rest of my life it will be teapigs peppermint tea! It simply is THE BEST EVER. (I travel with it too!)
We have been stocking teapigs in Passion Café for well over 6 or 7 years now! While many places in Spain serve powder dust teas in bleached teabags, we knew what a difference whole leaf teas are and those gorgeous pyramids. We were for years the only café in Spain to stock it and we would have imported it directly from UK. High pound to euro exchange, transport costs and all did not matter to us, we HAD to have them and no other tea would do. We were and still are so proud to offer them to our customers now in 6 locations we have in Ibiza and we are still the only one to serve them on white isla as we guess they are so associated with Passion here no one else dares to sell them!
Then came along teapigs matcha, we all have to thank teapigs for boosting matcha onto the market and raising awareness of the amazing health benefits it holds. We have been advertising teapigs matcha in our Passion magazine and it was a sellout as soon as we put it on our shelves. Our matcha teas and lattes sell like hotcakes! Passion loves to make matcha smoothies, add it to cake sponges, use it as a flavor in our raw vegan ice creams, we roll our raw chocolate truffles in matcha - once you are hooked on this green powder it finds its way into many drinks and dishes. Many of my customers have switched from coffee to matcha and they are feeling so much better, so thank you piggies for that!
As a Passion café brand creator I have to say that very few companies impress me with their branding, but teapigs never fail to do so.
When I started out in 2002 with my first café not many got the whole health concept, so it has been a long road to get Passion to where it is now. It took me only ten years to be an overnight success! But now that my cafes have such a big following, when customers and even a few celebs come to me and tell me they are so pleased to meet me and what a fans they are - This really is such an honor for me and my Passion team of people that have worked with me over the years. It is not just celebrities that are only defining my Passion, it is every single one of my customers, especially those who have been supporting us for years. Passion is not just a café, is a community and this is all that I ever wanted!
Peace, love, & nice cup of tea
Fancy becoming one of our lovely international accounts? Pop an email with some details over to export@teapigs.co.uk and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!