For those of us crazy enough to run marathons, January really feels like a turning point – that spring race is well and truly on the horizon so it’s time to get cracking!
I am currently training for my second marathon after completing one in April 2012 – I can’t quite decide at this stage whether it’s a comfort to know that, yes I have done all this before, and no I didn’t die – or pretty rubbish to know the pain that is still to come! Once thing is for sure, I am a lot more prepared this time round and am ready to enjoy it more and maybe even get a PB!
If you too are pounding the pavements this winter in the run up to your marathon, we not do as the teapigs gang do and gave matcha a try as part of your regime? We are all a pretty sporty lot here and its second nature for us to reach for that little super powered tin before our workouts. Try matcha an hour or so before training and see if it helps with your energy levels. We love it too as part of recovering and refuelling – you can’t beat a creamy matcha latte after a 2 hour run!
Let us know what you think of matcha in the comments below, we’d love to hear your thoughts!