This is the time of the year when some of our children are preparing for their exams, GCSEs or A-level , the stress is high in the household!
Well, its a great time to get teapigs matcha out and have a nice cup of super power green tea in the morning to help with this stressful time of the year.
Matcha has always been popular among students in Japan who are cramming for exams. This is because matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid known to relax the mind. For this reason, matcha is also known as a mood enhancer! Buddhist monks drank matcha to assist in meditation, as matcha’s amino acids, combined with caffeine, offer a sustained calm alertness over time, giving a slow natural release of energy that lasts up to 6 hours - amazing! This makes matcha perfect to help focus during the revision and to drink before the exams.
I (teapig Valerie) have been preparing a matcha juice in the morning for my daughter Sophie, 14, to help her focus on her exams. One 1g scoop at breakfast mixed with her orange juice, a bowl of cereal with semi-skimmed milk , an apple , a cup of teapigs everyday brew and off to school . And mum will have it too, mixed with a glass of blood orange juice.
Sophie’s favourite matcha drink is the new ready to drink matcha with Elderflower! And as its portable, she can take it to school as a drink for the afternoon too :)