January may be Matcha month, but teapigs HQ needed one day above all other days to truly celebrate our Super Power Green tea, and lo and behold, January 23rd was declared ‘greenday’.
Date set, next to decide how we could define greenday. So, with a genius idea that in no way copied some very obvious concepts (no plagiarising here) from a well-known Brad Pitt starring film, a set of rules were devised. Rules sent to each teapig giving them plenty of time to source their outfits and create some green baked goods, all that was left in preparation was teapig Tori to make the office look beautiful; including offering green nail manicures at the salon with all funds going to the Noel Orphanage.
Green outfits, green initiatives, green pub quiz, green sausage rolls and copious amounts of green tea – we’re feeling we pretty much nailed our inaugural greenday. Next year we’re taking it from the teapigs office to the world…...as for ever more January 23rd shall be known as greenday!