As a part of year 10 work experience, I got the amazing opportunity to spend a week at teapigs. During the course of the week I was able to work with different areas of the company such as trade, orders and online packing. I was also able to make calls to retailers to promote and talk about the new matcha green tea drink.
This was an interesting experience yet extremely nerve raking as it was something I hadn’t done before and also was worried about messing it up! However teapig Rachel was around to guide me which was very helpful. I spent most of the week with teapig Juliana learning about online orders and also packing them. There was lots to learn and to do which kept me very busy. Juliana helped me through this and with the help of teapigs Reggie and Junior I was able to pack a couple of orders. Everyone here at teapigs is so helpful and friendly it makes me not want to leave. Thanks to teapig Nick and everyone at teapigs I am now able to decide on what I would like to do in the future. I hope I get the chance to work with them again :)