As tea obsessed slurpers here at teapigs, we know there’s nothing nicer than a hot cup of herbal tea on a chilly day. Whether we’re looking for something to bring us out of a cold (lemon & ginger is good for a kick up the saucer), some super fruit tastiness or a tummy soother like peppermint, these caffeine free beauties know how to perk us right up.
The team behind Woof & Brew have decided that herbal teas are just too good to keep to ourselves, and have created a range of herbal teas specially designed for – you’ve guessed it – dogs!
According to their website it’s not uncommon to hear of tea drinkers sharing a brew with their pooches, and although this is done with good intentions, things like caffeine, milk and sugar often found in your average cuppa, are unfortunately not suitable for dogs. This is why all of the herbs used in Woof & Brew’s blends have been veterinary approved as safe, and have been designed to keep dogs happy and healthy.
So for those of you who have a dog, perhaps next time you come back from a brisk walk in the park, and you pour yourself a warming teapigs tea, why not make one for your dog too using one of Woof & Brew’s blends. As the daily walks start getting colder, I’m sure they’ll thank you for it!