It’s been a good few weeks since we announced our Big Plastic Clear Out and you’ll be pleased to know that teapigs HQ is still a perfectly functioning office, minus lots of surplus single use plastic – huzzah!
Funnily enough, rather than the whole office collapsing without the help of plastic propping us up, barely anyone has noticed….which can only be a good thing, right? Office manager Leonie stopped buying pens and plastic pockets weeks ago, and no one has made a peep. Cling film has been banished, in favour of beeswax paper and reusable silicone lids to cover plates. Everyone is still loving our new glass bottle milk delivery (except perhaps Nicole, who looks after Health & Safety) and our weekly fruit delivery from Fruitful Office is still going strong and cutting back massively on packaging.
Mia took on Monday hummus club – and taught us how to make a vat of hummus for the week. Turns out it’s really simple to make and we’ll be sharing Mia’s recipe soon!
We hosted our annual Sausage roll competition this month (yes, really) which happened to coincide with One Plastic Free Day - a day created by A Plastic Planet for everyone to cut back on unnecessary plastic use. So, we had a tournament wide ban on cling film in favour of sharing Tupperware mountain amongst the team for them to bring in their pastry treats.
To pad out our sausage roll lunch, we also took a trip to our local green grocer and bakery to cut back on packaging - all in all an awesome plastic-free lunch!
Think your office should cut back on plastic use? Get them to join in our #BigPlasticClearOut! Join the discussion on social (@teapigs) and let us know what changes you're implementing at work. If you've got any tips for us, leave us a comment and we'll get right on it!