Ever been curious to try something new from teapigs and not been really sure if it will be your cup of tea (so to speak)? Well, here’s something that might make that decision a little easier! Each teapigs tea, mug, teapot, infuser, gift set, cheeky deal and everything else has a handy little reviews page where real teapigs customers have tried it and left their comments.
Heard of our matcha green tea and been super duper curious about what it’s really like? Or perhaps you are dying to know whether our peppermint really is a yummy as everyone says? And what about our gift sets for a deserving parent, best friend or maybe just to treat yourself? Well, wonder no more – the reviews are there and may help to make your teapigs shopping experience a little easier. Have a look at what teapigs customer’s think and if you’ve got a favourite tea that you want to shout from the roof tops, why not leave a little review yourself. Everything written is an honest account by real life customers (not robots) so take a look!