As lots of you know we're on a mission to get the nation drinking real tea. As well as doing a big and official survery on 2000 of the nation's tea drinkers (soon to be published), we've also been out and about targeting well known groups of tea drinkers! Our first port of call was the taxi rank at St Pancras International Station in London. We know cabbies love a cuppa and we got some great results. 89% of the cabbies we asked said they preferred teapigs everyday brew to their usual brand, which is fantastic!
Here are some quotes from the cabbies themselves...
‘It tastes really nice’
‘It’s really nice and smooth, not bitter like other brands’
‘Better than what you get in a café’
‘It’s nicer and you get a stronger flavour’
‘Really like it, where can I buy it?’
‘ 10 out of 10’
We're continuing our taste tests on the nation's tea drinkers - next stop is builders and teachers!