Each month, we give our wonderful stockists a different theme and ask them to send us photos of how they best show off our teas. We then pick who has tagged @teapigs and used #teapigsstockist with the best picture to find our stockist of the month!
Last month's theme was "spring is in the air" and this super cute snap by Greyhound on the Green saw them crowned the winners. We asked them a couple of questions to find out a bit more about them so grab a cuppa and have a read...
you’ve got 50 words to describe your business…go!
We are Becks, Ross & Sullivan (the greyhound) who have an old park rangers hut in Clerkenwell, called Greyhound on the Green! We wanted to set up a cafe with a conscious so we get our milk from milkman to avoid plastics, our bread comes by bike, we buy our honey and jam locally from Walthamstow and Hackney and work with like-minded brands like Redemption Roasters and teapigs so we're not only producing delicious, affordable food and drinks but ones that are good for our community and environment.
what made you decide to choose teapigs?
We wanted to work with teapigs as they have such a massive and fun variety of flavours but also align with our feel good values. It's fab to work with a tea company that cares so much about people and the environment, they're also just a lovely bunch of people.
if you could only have one teapigs tea for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
Becks would defo go for peppermint, Ross and Sullivan are everyday brew lads.
What made you want to setup Greyhound on the Green?
We're both born & bred Londoners who got a bit fed up with seeing our fave cafes struggling and everywhere becoming increasingly difficult to afford...we really wanted to create something small but sustainable which would welcome in everyone in the local community, regardless of age or background whilst also showcasing all the amazing local produce London has to offer. Of course it also helps that we love working in a park and get to hang out with Sullivan all day every day!
if we were to come by to your cafe, what’s your best seller?
Easily our ham, cheese & pickle toastie. People are just obsessed with the Rubies in the Rubble pickle - it's delicious!