What is Green Tea?

Green tea is a popular type of tea made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Known for its refreshing taste and distinct colour, green tea comes in various types, such as sencha, bancha, and gunpowder, each with its own unique characteristics and flavours.

How is Green Tea Made?

Making green tea includes several steps: harvesting, withering, steaming/pan-firing, rolling, and drying. Different types of green tea might have variations in the manufacturing process, but the general method remains consistent.

Can I Add Milk to Green Tea?

While it's technically feasible, adding milk to green tea is a bit like putting ketchup on your Sunday roast – not entirely wrong, but somewhat unusual. Many tea connoisseurs advocate for drinking it pure, relishing the unique palette of flavours. 

What's the Best Way to Drink Green Tea?

To enjoy green tea to its fullest, we recommend brewing it with water at an ideal temperature of around 80°C and steeped for 3-5 minutes. Using a high-quality whole loose-leaf green tea can offer a better flavour experience.

Does Green Tea Contain Caffeine?

Yes, green tea contains caffeine but in lower amounts compared to coffee or black tea. A typical cup of green tea has approximately 30-50mg of caffeine, depending on the type and brewing method. It's perfect for a pick-me-up that won't tip the tea table.

Is Green Tea Good For You?

You may have heard tales of green tea and its supposed health benefits. While there usually isn’t smoke without fire, on this front, it's always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

What's The Difference Between Green Tea And Matcha?

  • Cultivation: Green Tea leaves are typically harvested, withered, and then immediately steamed or pan-fired to prevent oxidation. After this, the leaves are rolled and dried. Matcha is also derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant but undergoes a unique cultivation process. Before harvesting, the tea plants are shaded from the sunlight for about 20-30 days. This process enhances the chlorophyll content and boosts the production of amino acids, particularly L-theanine.
  • Preparation: Loose leaves or tea bags are steeped in hot water to prepare green tea. The leaves are then discarded, and the infused liquid is consumed. Matcha is made by grinding the entire shade-grown tea leaves into a fine powder. This powder is whisked into hot water or milk, and the whole leaf is consumed, providing a more concentrated flavour.
  • Taste Profiles: The taste of green tea can vary widely depending on factors such as the specific type of green tea, its origin, and how it's processed. Generally, green tea has a range of flavours from grassy and vegetal to sweet and nutty. Matcha has a distinctive, rich, and robust flavour. It tends to be more intense and concentrated than traditional green tea due to the consumption of the entire leaf. Matcha can have a slightly bitter undertone, balanced by a creamy and umami taste.
  • Texture and Consistency: The consistency of green tea depends on factors like brewing time and temperature, it tends to have a typical watery texture. Matcha has a thicker, more velvety texture due to the suspension of the finely ground tea particles in the liquid - making it perfect to whip up into a hot or cold matcha latte!
  • Caffeine Content: The caffeine content in green tea varies but is generally lower than matcha's. The brewing process allows for some control over the caffeine extraction. Matcha tends to have a higher caffeine content because you consume the entire tea leaf in powdered form.


Does Drinking Green Tea Improve Skin?

You've probably heard your Nan say that green tea carries tales of potential skin benefits, but solid evidence is limited, and individual results may vary. Do remember, adventures in skincare are best tailored with a well-rounded routine and a chat with your dermatologist.


What Happens If I Drink Green Tea Every Day?

It’s said that drinking green tea daily can contribute to hydration, support a balanced diet, and potentially promote overall well-being. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust consumption based on personal preferences. 


What is the Best Time to Drink Green Tea?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to finding the perfect green tea moment. Customise your green tea experience by experimenting throughout the day, and you'll soon discover your personal green tea o'clock. Remember green tea does contain caffeine, so before bed may not be best. 

Where to Buy Green Tea? Best Whole Leaf Green Tea?

High-quality green tea options are available to purchase in specialised tea shops or online. There are countless options and each product offers unique characteristics and flavour profiles, giving you plenty of blends to explore. We’ve got a bunch of green teas, from OG Mao Feng to the delicate Jasmine Pearls - there's a little something for everyone.